
Posts Tagged ‘internet’

Talking to strangers was never so much fun

18/03/2010 1 comment

Be an Investor with only $3 or Rs.100

Google wants to know everything about you, just everything

10/03/2010 2 comments

Suicide Online

Yesterday’s Google Adsense Earning $25123.

Start using facebook upside down

Google maps now includes delhi metro

Foamy the squirrel Calls for windows support

Check how this squirrel calls Microsoft for support. its damn cool 🙂

Amazing Parkour Motion Video

this is amazing use of the flip-book style of Parkour. check it out!!!

Google Toilet

Surprised!! same here. check out this funny google video.

Cool New Windows 7 advertisements

23/12/2009 1 comment

Here are some cool new windows 7 ad videos from Microsoft switzerland. it justifies its tagline “We designed windows 7 to simplify your everyday tasks, work the way you want, and make new things possible.”

Try new Google

28/11/2009 1 comment

googlewell as orkut has come with an new interface, now its turn to google the search engine to buy new clothes for it. its not yet launched officialy, but the social networking blog mashable has come up wit this trick  to access the new google with sidebar.

1. Go to
2. enter this code into your web browser’s URL address field(clear the adddress bar completely):


3. hit enter and refresh the page.

do tell me how feel about the new google.