
Posts Tagged ‘youtube’

Foamy the squirrel Calls for windows support

Check how this squirrel calls Microsoft for support. its damn cool 🙂

Amazing Parkour Motion Video

this is amazing use of the flip-book style of Parkour. check it out!!!

Google Toilet

Surprised!! same here. check out this funny google video.

World’s loudest alarm clock

24/10/2009 2 comments

if you are one those who’s sleep can’t be broken by any natural calamity then this is for you…

Creativity with Sand

Creativity with Sand must sound familiar but after watching this video I bet you can’t stop without sharing it. how this great artist turns pictures into something so different you can’t even imagine. Kseniya Simonova is a Ukrainian artist who just won Ukraine’s version of “America’s Got Talent.” She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and “sand painting” skills to interpret Germany’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine during WWII.:-

create animatd Gifs from youtube videos

gifsoupjust enter the url of your favorite youtube video and get a gif file link. you adjust the size, length of the file. you don’t even need to register. it a great site. do check it out.

you can have sizes of thumbnail, the original also. the link to follow is gifsoup.

now you can be the rockstar in intel’s ad

you must have seen the intel rockstar ad saying that “our superstar’s are different from yours”‘. now you can replace the main star in the ad. here’s the original ad :-

so to be in this video you don’t need any of your good/bad acting skills, just a photograph with your mouthshut. 🙂 link to follow is rockstarmyself.

well there’s a sad part of this that girls can’t take part. but guys for you its best video to flaunt. do try….

Protect my Desktop. Help!!!!

You’ll shout out the same in a few minutes.

watch this youtube video……


Not Enough?watch part 2

Download YouTube videos

How to download youtube videos??


there are dozens of ways to download youtube videos.

Via Web Paste the URL from youtube of your corresponding video and it’ll download the video on your hard disk. Paste the URL from youtube of your corresponding video and it’ll download the video on your hard disk.

Windows Application

Install Real Player. it’ll let you download the video. when you watch a video on youtube, it’ll show a message to download the video.


Youtube-dl. Here’s some love for Linux() users. Youtube-dl is a program that lets you download YouTube clips in flv format.

Mac OS X

Get Tube is an OS X application which lets you download video or audio files from YouTube.

Most expensive commercials

What an advertisement. Honda Accord. it took 606 retakes and takes to make this commercial


football rules…….pepsi’s commercial

adidas and beckam…. have to be expensive

the world’s most costly commercial. it took 607 takes to make this ad and the total cost was $15.4 million for this 20 second commercial. apparently, everything is real and no graphics used. Ford Commercial

The most expensive Guinness beer commercial ever made. Phenomenal.